Petrol consumption
Opinion from a private user
Information about "miracle materials" with the most outstanding properties, backed up by absolutely astronomical research, comes from many sources. I started to worry about the petrol consumption of my car, which I think should be reduced. After asking experts and users of that make of car, I was told by all of them that consumption was normal when it was 8 litres per 100 km on the road. This is exactly what I have. From my garage acquaintance I got the answer that all you need is a good oil. Additives would be of no use.
Having been in business all my life, I know that people who don't know anything about it downplay it to make others think they know something. I decided to take a "risk" and get an engine additive for my car. But which one? I did my research and came up with X-1R metal conditioner, because a company that has been importing a paltry substance for years cannot survive. Yes, it must have the properties promised.
I used it in connection with an oil change at the end of August '97, as I was about to set off on a 3000 km journey from Turku to northern Sweden and Norway. After the first refuelling I immediately resumed driving, and my travelling companion started to lower my consumption as I drove. I claimed that he had miscalculated. He hadn't! After the trip, the odometer read 3200 km. The average consumption was only 6.25 litres per 100 km. Before, I couldn't get below 8 litres per 100 km. What a saving!
I'm really surprised, because I didn't really do any economy driving and there were really big altitude differences on the route. I think the nicest thing was that I was promised a much lower saving in fuel consumption at the time of purchase, which I consider to be morally right and good commercial practice.
I have now changed my car and will immediately use this substance for the next oil change.
I appreciate how difficult it is to sell a high quality product to us simple and uninformed people, but I hope you will persevere in your work as "bush radio" will inevitably do its job. I gratefully open my own "bush radio".
Rauno Koskinen